Cloud VPS

Cloud VPS Hosting is a type of high performance virtual private server hosting which is generally affordable for most applications.  These types of hosting plans will usually offer a dedicated IP address within a server which is shared between other plan holders.  Connections on these types of hosting plans are usually very fast with Tier-1 bandwidth transfer ability.  Companies offering the Cloud VPS hosting services will also guarantee memory, disk storage and bandwidth for hosting plans.  A near perfect uptime guarantee for servers is always important although 100% efficiency should not be expected or cannot be promised by any company.

Cloud VPS will rely on a network of servers which will lend resources to one another when the resources are needed.  Although most hosting services will have a metered amount of memory (RAM) it is possible for a variety of Cloud VPS hosts to provide additional memory when other VPS partitions are not using the full capacity.  This is ideal for server needs which can fluctuate at times for applications which sometimes need more memory processing power.  Built in firewalls and virus protection help to ensure that the VPS hosting will not succumb to viral or hacker attacks.

Cloud Servers

Cloud servers is virtual servers which run on cloud computing environment. Cloud Servers are referred to as Virtual Dedicated Servers. While it is true that every cloud server can be called a virtual dedicated server, the opposite is not always true. This is because a virtual dedicated server can be placed only on a single hardware server and thus suffer from a single point of failure when any of its hardware fails.

What Is Cloud Technology

Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network. The name comes from the use of a cloud-shaped symbol as an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it contains in system diagrams. Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user's data, software and computation.